Cherry Blossoms

The blossoms push through like a businessman rushing to work.

Is a leaf’s only purpose to fall?

A chill wind across my face.

The cold air tasted sweet.


The Cherry Blossom petals rained down in the streets of Fujinomiya, spring was in the air in Inosuke’s hometown.

The air felt warm and alive.

The trees, in full blossom, showered pink onto the street.

The petals finessed their way towards the ground.

 Because they fall they die.


A duck carrying leek on its back passes by.

The pink petals glistened with peace.

The petals seemed to hover in the air, flying.

Inosuke could talk to the petals as they fell.

Andy could see Inosuke watching the petals fall.


The blossoms cover the ground, none left hanging in the wind.

As they bravely fall, knowing not what is beneath. 

The blossoms traveled vast, beyond the horizon.


The petals danced and all would stare.

The pink blossoms, showering like rain in the crisp spring air.

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